Each piece is completely unique, each individually crafted. Please expect some slight variation from piece to piece as hand crafted jewellery are all slightly organic. No two pieces are ever exactly the same and that is what adds to the uniqueness.

What do one off pieces mean?

One off pieces are pieces that there are only one of. That means it is already made and ready to ship. These pieces can be custom ordered again if they pique your interest.

Do you do custom pieces?

Yes I do! If you’d like something special made, please use the contact form.

What if the sizing is wrong?

Customers are responsible for providing the correct ring size so please use the sizing chart to ensure you have the correct size before ordering.
Not all rings can be resized, however if it is possible to resize, there will be a $20 resizing fee.
If the ring cannot be resized, it can be exchanged for another product.
Note: Exchange does not apply to commissioned work.

Rushed Orders

Made to order pieces generally take 2-3 weeks to complete. If you need your order made urgently, there will be an extra $20 service fee.